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DSR Appendices
Appendix 1.1 - Locality Map.pdf
Appendix 1.2 - Preliminary Environmental Sensitivity Maps.pdf
Appendix 2 - Application Form.pdf
Appendix 3 - DEA Correspondences.pdf
Appendix 4.1 - Public Participation Report.pdf
Appendix 4.10 -  Visual Impact.pdf
Appendix 4.2 - Avifauna Assessment.pdf
Appendix 4.3 - Botanical (Vegetation) Assessment.pdf
Appendix 4.6 -  Faunal Assessment.pdf
Appendix 4.7 -  Land Use Report.pdf
Appendix 4.9 -  Social Impact.pdf
Appendix 5 - Pylon Tower Diagrams.pdf
Appendix 6.1 - EAP affirmation and CVs.pdf
Appendix 6.2 - Specialist Declarations.pdf