Weekly peak demand (Financial year) Weekly peak demand is shown for the current and previous financial year. Peak demand is calculated as the maximum of the hourly average values for each week (only full weeks are used).
Weekly energy demand (Financial year)
Total weekly energy demand is shown for the current and previous financial year. Energy demand is calculated as the total of the hourly average values for each week (only full weeks are used).
System hourly actual and forecasted demand Hourly demand for the past week is shown for both residual and RSA contracted demand. The expected demand for the next 7 days is also shown respectively.
System hourly demand and available capacity
Hourly demand is compared against available capacity, to indicate the amount of surplus/shortfall there was. Available capacity must be matched with the total RSA contracted demand.
Official hourly forecast for the next 3 months
The forecasted demand for the next 3 months is shown for both residual and RSA contracted demand. This forecast is revised on a daily basis for the next few days and weekly for the rest of the duration to cater for changing conditions.