OCGT usage

OCGTs (Open Cycle Gas Turbines) are power stations that use diesel as their primary resource. Since this is a limited fuel sources, and comes at a great expense, the utilization is tracked very closely.

Financial year load factor (IPP OCGT)

The ratio of the energy generated over a specific time versus the maximum generating capability over the same period is shown for IPP OCGTs.

Financial year load factor (Eskom OCGT)

The ratio of the energy generated over a specific time versus the maximum generating capability over the same period is shown for Eskom OCGTs.

Load factor last 7 days (IPP OCGT)

The ratio of the energy generated over a specific time versus the maximum generating capability over the same period is shown for IPP OCGTs.

Load factor last 7 days (Eskom OCGT)

The ratio of the energy generated over a specific time versus the maximum generating capability over the same period is shown for Eskom OCGTs.

Total monthly OCGT (Eskom + IPP) and GT energy utilization

The total amount of energy that was generated at the OCGTs and GTs are indicated per month, and expressed in GWh. This is shown for the current financial year, and compared against the previous financial year.