Company Eskom Data Portal - Site Feedback We would appreciate your feedback on the Eskom Data Portal site. Please take a moment to complete the following: Where are you from? * I’m just learning about the industry I’m an analyst I’m with the media I’m a student I’m curious I’m a casual visitor Other Please enter your comments Content * Design * Ease of Use * Overall * 1 Star Poor ... 5 Stars Excellent Please help us by answering the following questions (optional) : What brought you to this site? For information on power system performance To learn more about electricity industry For school projects or study purposes To analyse / download the data Useful data for my own business How did you hear about Eskom's Data Portal? Internet Search Link from another site Trade Event Article Co-worker / Peer Media (Radio, TV, Press) Other Were you able to accomplish your task? Yes No I’m not finished yet I couldn’t find what I am looking for If not, please provide feedback? Please share your email address