Amatikulu 132kV switching station

Ararat-Bafokeng 88KV Powerline

Ariande 1 132kV Power Line

Balfour Siyathemba

Bigtree Refilwe Pelly 132kV line and substation

Boichoko substation and 132 kV powerline


Bulge Dorset 132KV

Bulge Toulon 132KV Line

Bulk underground cables in Mogale City and City of

Candover Mbazwana Gezisa 123 kV Power line

Ceres-Romansrivier 132Kv/66kV Line

Clocolan-Ficksburg 88kV line and EA amendment

Corinth Lamington 132kV Power line and Substation

Craighall Sandton underground cable river crossings

Croyden Germison underground cables

Cuprum Burchell-Mooidraai 132KV power line

Cuprum BESS

Dagbreek 66kV Line Bypass

Delareyville Kopela Phahameng 132kV Line

Diamond Substation with associated LILO powerlines

Dieprivier Kareedouw 132kV

Diepsloot Bluehills Crowthorne 88kV Project

Dipompong Tswaing Substations and associated 132kV lines

Butterworth-Idutywa 132kV Powerline

Koeberg Insulator Pollution Testing Station

Kudu for Elders 132kv

Dolos-Giraffe 132kV witching station


Elandskop S/Stn BESS

Ferrum – Sekgame Switching station and 132 kV powerline

Firham Platrand

Fochville 132kV Powerline 

Freedom Park

Galatyeni 132kV

Gordonia – Upington MTS 132 kV powerline

Graafwater BESS EIA


Gutswa Substation and 132KV Line

Gamohaan Seven Miles 22kV Powerline


Impala Mtubatuba 132kV line 2

Intabazwe 132-11kV substation and associated infrastructure

Kekana Wonderboom 132kV substation and lines

Kiepersol Nwarele 132kv line

Kiepersol Siyalu 132kV

Kiwi 132 Switching Station

Klipkop-Lehating 132 kV powerline 

Kwagga Dennilton 132 kv line

Kiwano BESS

Ledig 132kV Project


Lethabong 88kV project

Libanon 132kV Substation and LILO lines

Lomond Safari 88kv Power line

Mandini Mangethe 88kV line and Mangethe substationMarallaneng substation and Clocolan-Ficksburg 88kv line
Matsheketsheni Substation 20MVA

Melkhout BESS

Melkhout Dieprivier 132kV line and Melkhout Substation

Melkspruit-Rouxville 88kV Power line

Midlands 132/11kV substation

Mier 66kV Substation

Mooidraai Smitskloof 132KV power line and substation

Mookodi Ganyesa Amendment

Moorreesburg Vyevlei 66KV substation and power line

Moroka Main Pimville 11kV Power line

Ndumo Gezisa 132kV Power line

Ngwedi 132 kV NDP

Ntshona substation and associated 132kV lines

Oasis Taaipit 132kV powerline

Olifantshoek Substation and 132 kV powerline

Outeniqua Oudshoorn 132KV line

Paleisheuwel BESS

Pelly Fairfield 132 kv Line

Petrusdam Switching

Port Durnford 20MVA 88/11kV upgrade and turn-in lines

Pongola Candover 132kV line and Golela substation

Pongola S/stn BESS​

Limberg 40MVA 132/11Kv Substation and Middlellaagte 2 x 40 MVA 33 Kv Substation ​

Queens Substation and associated 132kV LILO linesRandburg 88kV Oil Filled Cables replacementRandfontein North 132kV line and associated substations


Rhombus Project

Silwerkraans Staatsdrift

Simunye 132kv line

Skaapvlei SERE BESS

Sorata-Witsieshoek 132kV power line

Spring Grove 88 Kv

Steve Biko 132 kV Substation and lines

Taunus Diepkloof 132KV overhead
powerline substations

Tshipi E Borwa Substation and 132 kV powerline

Tweedracht 88kV LILO line

Tweespruit-Driedorp 132kV power line and Driedorp

Vierfontein-Viljoenskroon 88kV power line rebuild

Viljoenskroon Infrastructure Strengthening

Wesglass substation expansion and associated 132kV line

Westgate Tarlton 132kV Line

Woestallen 132kv line

Witzenberg BESS

Wolwekraans substation and associated 132kV lines

Zandkopsdrift 132KV power line

Zonnebloem switching station

Ashton BESS​