Power On Advantage (POA)
Eskom Distribution puts New Outage Management System at the heart of its planned and forced outages! – PowerOn Advantage (PoA)
Technology is a major contributor to the effective management of both planned and forced (unplanned) outages. Our current Distribution Outage Management System (OMS), which was developed inhouse in 2002, is made up of several outdated subsystems (Tertiary Apps) and have become expensive to maintain, while some components are no longer supported.
Therefore, it is with great excitement we announce that the Distribution business is in the process of replacing the legacy outage management solution with the GE “PowerOn Advantage (POA)” outage management system.
The GE – POA outage management system will be replacing the following bespoke systems, to create one smoothly integrated business solution to manage planned and unplanned outages more effectively.
Systems Transition Overview – what's changing?

What is it for me?
Key features and functionality
- Create outage events
- Visualise outages
- Dispatch and manage outages
- Calculate outage impact
- Notify customers
- Reports and performance management
- Mobile outage management
High level technical overview
Outage Management System (OMS) is a centralised deployment hosted on the Eskom network, with the following environments:
- Production
- Disaster Recovery
Users are distributed throughout the Operating Units and access to the application will be via the Eskom corporate network. The solution transition has commenced with the implementation of the pilot in the Garden Route Sector within Western Cape Operating Unit. In preparation for the change across the rest of the country, please commence your learning journey by completing the following online courses via the Learner Portal in Zenzele.
- Advanced Dx Management System Overview
- ADMS Series 6 OMS For Operators Course
- ADMS Series 6 Control Engineering
Access has been provided to quick reference guides with scenario videos and facilitated learning will be delivered via the Super Users in your Operating Unit to aid the learning journey.
Resulting in the following operational benefits:
- Improve the field force effectiveness: “Right resource, right place, right time”
- Improved safety of personnel
- Improved customer service experience
- Avert increase in Resource Management Center (RMC) manpower to handle increased workload
- Avoid regulatory penalties
- Replace unreliable legacy solutions with a Commercially off the Shelf (COTS) solution
- Align to international best practice
- SMART Grid alignment