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Skip Navigation LinksHome>Our Company>Sustainable Development>Environmental Impact Assessments>Final Environmental Impact Reports Annexures
Final Environmental Impact Reports Annexures
  1. Annexure A - Plan of Study

  2. Annexure B - Framework EMP

  3. Annexure C - Public Participation Process

  4. Annexure D - Issues Trail

  5. Annexure E - Geological Desktop Investigation

  6. Annexure F - Hydrological Investigation

  7. Annexure G  - Terrestrial Ecological Investigation

  8. Annexure H - Aquatic Ecological Assessment (Part 1)  (Part 2)

  9. Annexure I - Air Quality Assessment (Part 1) (Part 2)

  10. Annexure J - Visual Impact Assessment

  11. Annexure K - Noise Impact Assessment

  12. Annexure L - Social Risk Study

  13. Annexure M - Heritage Impact Assessment

  14. Annexure N - Transport Planning Study  (Part 1) (Part 2)

  15. Annexure O - Town Planning Investigation

  16. Annexure P - Socio-Economic Impact Assessment

  17. Annexure Q - Agricultural Potential Impact Study

  18. Annexure R - Responses from Authorities and Minutes of Meetings

  19. Annexure S - Mark Wood Review

  20. Annexure T - Minutes from Focus Group Meeting

  21. Annexure U - Issues Trail 4

  22. Annexure V - Revised Air Quality Study

  23. Annexure W - Revised Heritage Report

  24. Annexure X - Add Public Participation (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)