Be energy efficient with easy, behaviour changes that does not cost you a cent:
A little bit of maintenance can go a long way
Don’t leave appliances and gadgets on when not needed, switch off the power button.
When you leave the room or building, remember to switch off the lights.
Use natural light where possible and “task” lighting when only a little light is needed.
Beware vampire appliances. Appliances (TVs, VCRs, PCs, etc.) in standby mode consume electricity (up to 50% of full use).
Use efficient light bulbs. Replace failed light bulbs with energy efficient lights (LEDs). Click on the image to read further on lighting.
Set air-conditioners’ average temperature in summer at 23°C and 20°C in winter; your refrigerator at 5°C , freezer at -18°C and your water tank/geyser at 60˚C. Get that air conditioner serviced regularly to improve safety, reliability and energy efficiency.
Block / seal gaps around doors and window panes to eliminate drafts. Click on the image to read further on insulation.
Wait until your dishwasher and laundry machines are full before using them, and always use cold temperatures or lightly soiled items.
Regularly clean light fittings, reflectors and lampshades – you will get more light from your clean lamps. Click on the image to read further.
Make sure your refrigerator and freezer doors have tight seals, are positioned in a cool place, and are not blocked with frost – all of this will help them to function more efficiently.
Set the controller / time switches on pool pumps, etc. to operate for limited durations at the most appropriate times.
Have your geyser and hot water pipes wrapped to minimise the energy lost in transit.