Tuesday, 17 August 2021: Two males were fatally electrocuted on Saturday, 14 August 2021 in Ekangala while harvesting avocados from a tree. The matter is under investigation by Eskom and the South African Police Service (SAPS).
The preliminary investigation into the incident indicates that one of the deceased, a 12-year old boy, was using a steel pipe with a wire to harvest the avocados from a tree when he made contact with an electricity overhead line and was electrocuted. An adult male who is the boy’s uncle, was subsequently electrocuted when he tried to assist him. Paramedics and the police declared both dead on the scene.
“We are saddened by the loss of life, particularly in this manner. We consistently try to prevent such incidents by educating members of the public on electricity safety. It is even more regretful that this incident happens during Eskom’s National Electricity Safety Month where we raise awareness about the safe use of electricity and encourage families and communities to stop unsafe electricity practices. Trees growing under power lines can be fatally dangerous. We wish to discourage communities from planting trees under power lines and to report to us if they see any trees touching the electricity lines,” says Kith Maitisa, SHEQS Manager of Eskom in Gauteng.
Members of the public are further encouraged to report any persons interfering with the electricity network and those conducting any illegal activities, to the Eskom Crime Line on 0800 11 27 22.