Power series books
The Eskom Research team has identified that the future of power engineering lies in the wisdom and experience of the engineers, technologists and technicians of today. We have therefore worked to create a sequence of volumes called the Eskom Power Series.
Each volume of the Power Series has been written by teams of specialists and consultants who have been working within the utility environment for many years. This research programme ensures that the series is updated with the most current information and expertise available.
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The Eskom Power Series was conceived in response to the continuing worldwide loss of critical technical skills and experience. The aim of the series is to promote international best practice, including experience accrued by Eskom over the years, as a guide and legacy and to serve as a source of reliable, reputable and highly technical information.

Volume 1: The Planning, Design and Construction of Overhead Power Lines

This book embodies the planning philosophies, design principles and construction practices of Eskom. It covers the main aspects of overhead power line design and construction, from electrical first principles, system planning, insulation co-ordination (including live-line working), mechanical design through to environmental impact management and power line communications. The content emphasises the need for close interaction between all technical disciplines involved and the importance of optimising designs for economy and performance.
Volume 2: The Fundamentals and Practice of Overhead Line Maintenance

Volume 2 focuses on providing the utility maintenance practitioner with comprehensive insight into the philosophy and theory of overhead line maintenance (I32 kV and above), its management and effective application. This volume deals with basic technical topics of performance enhancement, especially the mitigation techniques required for reliable operation in high lightning environments, the implementation of safe, cost effective live-line working, performance audits, line inspection and servitude management. It also shows how environmental factors, such as the interaction of overhead power lines with vegetation, wildlife and birds, influence the process.
Volume 3: The Practical Guide to Outdoor High Voltage Insulators

This book is a practical guide for utility staff and consulting engineers responsible for the selection, installation and maintenance of insulators for outdoor high voltage lines and substations. Insulator types and their characteristics, electrical, mechanical, materials and environmental considerations, insulator selection, tests and specifications, failures mechanisms, handling and installation practices, lines and substation performance improvement, and pollution mitigation techniques are all dealt with in detail; with emphasis on practical field application. Easy to use procedures, guidelines, decision tables, flowcharts, inspection sheets and software are included.
Volume 4: Inductive Instrument Transformers and Protective Applications

The design and operation of instrument transformers in a power system ensure that the understanding and correct application requirement of the instrument transformers is attained and that the design is within the limits specified by the user, and cost effective. For this purpose a short account of faults and protection relays, which are related to the instrument transformers, together with several protection applications are given and supported with practical examples. Starting at a basic level, the arguments are expanded to provide sound knowledge for the beginner and a refresher to those who are more familiar with the topics.
Volume 5: Theory, Design, Maintenance and Life Management of Power Transformers

This volume is a record of the understanding of power transformers as they are used in the power supply industry. It is intended to be of use to everyone with responsibilities in the transmission and distribution of electric power. The book opens with a chapter on the impact that market forces are having on the operation and maintenance of transformers. It goes on to address fundamental transformer principles, specification, design and construction. The important aspects of understanding how a transformer and its environment interact and the measures that must be taken to preserve both are explained. Insulation co-ordination and protection are thoroughly discussed.
Description | Full colour hardcover book |
ISBN No. | 978-0-620-38294-6 |
Pages | 337 |
Weight | 1.24 kg |
Dimension | 260 mm x 210 mm x 28 mm |
Cost in South African Rands: R 1 130 (Including VAT)
Payment: Credit card or EFT via this website
Volume 6 (Part 1): High Voltage Overhead Power Lines: Theoretical Calculations and Formulae for Conductor Installations

Electrical conductors of overhead power lines are the most important and the most expensive parts of a power line. To the layman it appears simple to suspend the conductors from the towers. In reality, a complex series of processes is required from the original design of the cables to the initial stringing of the cables on the towers and the final tensioning. Every step is designed to avoid damage to the conductors or the environment, to provide clearances to obstacles and to keep loads within the capabilities of the towers. The book covers every aspect of these processes in theoretical and practical detail.
Volume 6 (Part 2): High Voltage Overhead Power Lines: Theoretical Calculations and Formulae for Transmission Line Towers

This book takes the reader through the philosophy, theory, principles and practices of the design and fabrication of overhead power line structures. The author begins with an analysis of the many and varied mechanical forces that overhead power line towers are required to withstand. Once the nature of the forces on the towers is understood, the book proceeds to discuss the geometry of towers. It moves on to discuss the fundamentals of force diagrams and graphical techniques for the calculation of the forces in the tower members and introduces finite elements and computer methods. Power line towers are routinely subjected to full scale mechanical testing and the book concludes by describing the procedures followed at major test stations around the world.
Volume 6 (Part 5): High Voltage Overhead Power Lines: Construction Works

High Voltage Overhead Power Lines: Construction Works gives a good overview of the entire construction process in particular infrastructure works, topographical works, civil engineering works, erection works and stringing including construction by helicopters. The book goes into detail and also covers calculations which is needed to ensure that work is performed safely and professionally. It will be an ideal guide to any engineer, or construction staff involved in the construction of Overhead Transmission Lines. The author has extensive experience in this field and very few books or publications covers this subject in such detail.
Description | Full colour hardcover book |
ISBN No. | 978-0-620-99461-3 |
Pages | 440 |
Weight | 1.54 kg |
Dimension | 260 mm x 210 mm x 29 mm |
Cost in South African Rands: R 1 880 (Including VAT)
Payment: EFT only by requesting bank details from [email protected] or [email protected].
Volume 7: Corona in Transmission Systems: Theory, Design and Performance

Corona and related effects play an important role in the electrical design and performance of existing and planned ac and dc transmission lines. This is a comprehensive reference book on the corona design and performance considerations of high voltage ac, dc and hybrid ac/dc transmission lines. While corona losses may have an impact on the economic choice of conductors, radio interference and audible noise are the principal environmental consequences of corona on ac and dc line conductors. The corona-generated space charge environment is also an important design consideration in the case of dc and hybrid ac/dc transmission lines. Treatment of the physical, analytical and experimental aspects of corona performance of ac and dc transmission lines is presented.
Volume 8: Power Quality in Electrical Power Systems: A Holistic Approach

This book is a detailed collation of a significant amount of technical theory, practical application and local experience. It encapsulates the knowledge and insights gained by Eskom during the implementation of a comprehensive PQ measurement survey, the objectives of which were to determine the levels of PQ being attained and to establish how the results could be used to set realistic design and performance criteria for each component of PQ. Key drivers in the evolvement of PQ into a discipline include the increased sensitivity of customer equipment to deleterious electrical effects, the need for operational efficiency, the move to privatise utilities, and increasingly tight regulatory requirements in many countries.
Volume 9 (Part 1): HVDC Power Transmission: Basic Principles, Planning and Converter Technology

In the period 2000 to mid-2012, the installed capacity of HVDC systems increased by some 60 GW worldwide, bringing the total to in excess of 110 GW. This trend has led to considerable interest in HVDC and its technical attributes. Part 1 of Volume 9 deals with the theory and principles of HVDC transmission, how it compares technically and economically with HVAC transmission, the management of its environmental and technical impact, planning studies and the implementation of the main power components and the control and protection of the HVDC converter station. Part 2 of this volume will deal with HVDC transmission lines.
Volume 9 (Part 2): HVDC Power Transmission: Lines

HVDC is an effective technology to transmit vast amounts of electric power over very long distances with lower electrical losses in comparison with AC systems. The design process of an HVDC system starts with the estimation of the power intended to be transmitted. The amount of power to be transmitted is the dominant factor affecting the selection of operation type of the HVDC transmission line (monopolar or bipolar), which include the conductor size and configuration. The second important parameter is the locations of the sending and receiving converter stations of the system. Once the power level and the terminal locations of the system are determined, several HVDC system alternatives can be compared in terms of power losses, voltage drops or corona losses. The information presented in Volume 9 (Part 2), has been based on the practical experience gained on the Cahora-Bassa HVDC link and addresses the concepts that need to be considered for the design of HVDC transmission lines, these being, but not limited to; pole and shield-wire insulator selection, fires, lightning and bird interactions.
Description | Full colour hardcover book |
ISBN No. | 978-0-620-96614-6 |
Pages | 652 |
Weight | 2.13 kg |
Dimension | 260 mm x 210 mm x 40 mm |
Cost in South African Rands: R 1 980 (Including VAT)
Payment: EFT only by requesting bank details from [email protected] or [email protected].
Volume 10: Thermodynamics for Students and Practising Engineers

An understanding of thermodynamics is essential for power plant design and Volume 10 outlines the key thermodynamic principles. The text includes inter alia, basic concepts and definitions, the first and second laws of thermodynamics, steam and gas plant, compressor and refrigeration plant, entropy, and non-reactive and reactive systems. These topics contain the key thermodynamic principles required by a typical power plant engineer to design a new asset, evaluate a new technology concept (i.e., to validate power output or thermal efficiency), or understand a thermodynamics-related issue on existing plant. The book covers the basic theory with sample calculations that provide a fool-proof methodology to approaching analyses at a system level.
Volume 11: Thermal Sciences for Engineers

Thermal science is a ternary subject that comprises thermodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer. The key objective of this book is to present the influence of these three key disciplines on the technical component of generating and new build businesses. More importantly, the application of the essential theory to operating plant and new designs is discussed using language familiar to Eskom engineers. Examples are provided where engineering judgement is needed and guidelines to resolve such incidents are provided.
Description | Full colour softcover book |
ISBN No. | 978-0-992-17813-0 |
Pages | 302 |
Weight | 1 kg |
Dimension | 260 mm x 210 mm x 20 mm |
Cost in South African Rands: R 870.00 (Including VAT)
Payment: Credit card or EFT via this website
Volume 12: Basic Engineering Toolbox

This third book in the Thermodynamics series focuses largely on applications in the field. To assist in making a decision under what can often be trying conditions, the author has compiled six apps that would be applicable to an engineer practising in the power generation environment. These apps include ‘PipeFlow’, ‘Engine’, ‘SteamPlant’, ‘WindAnalyse’, ‘SolarAngles’ and ‘SolarC. In each chapter the fundamental theory is revised/discussed before the app is introduced. The app is intended to be simple and user friendly and is ideal for use when desktop work is undertaken.
Description | Full colour softcover book |
ISBN No. | 978-0-992-1781-4-7 |
Pages | 96 |
Weight | 0.36 kg |
Dimension | 260 mm x 210 mm x 7 mm |
Cost in South African Rands: R 425 (Including VAT)
Payment: Credit card or EFT via this website
Volume 13: Applied System Dynamics with South African Case Studies

System dynamics is a methodology for studying and managing complex systems that change over time. The method relies on computer simulation to represent the flows and accumulation of materials, and the information feedbacks that control the flows. This modelling method has delivered unique and valuable insights in a wide range of fields, as explained in previous books on industrial and business systems, economics and financial management, energy and environmental systems, to name a few.
This book adds to the collection of scholarly books by describing the authors’ system dynamics experiences in applied studies in South Africa. It captures their findings on the entire modelling process. The book is designed for use at universities and for postgraduate students. Readers will learn from the practical applications in South Africa and the authors’ description of the step-by-step modelling process. Readers will also benefit from the authors’ reflections on their personal insights that emerged during the case studies.
Description | Full colour hardcover book |
ISBN No. | 978-0-620-99211781-7-8 |
Pages | 520 |
Weight | 1.78 kg |
Dimension | 260 mm x 210 mm x 31mm |
Cost in South African Rands: R 1 800 (Including VAT)
Payment: Payment: EFT only by requesting bank details from [email protected]
The Eskom Leadership & Management Series was introduced by Eskom at the request of readers and stakeholders of the Power Series who felt that the series should be expanded to include non-technical topics. These topics are often not well understood by technical practitioners and can pose a risk to the sustainability of their businesses. To date, the Power Series team, with assistance from experts in the various fields, has produced two volumes.
Volume 1: Mentorship and Coaching

The Mentorship and Coaching book has been written as a complete and implementable guide for any individual who would like to embark on the path of developing another person in the form of mentoring and coaching. Each chapter takes the reader from the principles of mentorship to implementing it within the organisation. The book equips and guides a mentor in understanding the different personalities that they will come across in an organisation, and in understanding their protégé in order to better lead and mentor them.
Description | Black and white softcover book |
ISBN No. | 978-0-620-53247-1 |
Pages | 196 |
Weight | 0.24 kg |
Dimension | 215 mm x 154 mm x 10 mm |
Cost in South African Rands: R 170 (Including VAT)
Payment: Credit card or EFT via this website
Volume 2: Winning with People: Insights for Leaders and Organisations

This book provides guidance to leaders in all spheres of economic activity on how to develop human capital strategies and apply practices that will assist them to compete more effectively in a fast changing world. The chapters each provide a perspective into key issues associated with organisational and individual effectiveness. Most chapters offer a theoretical and conceptual understanding of the topic concerned as well as practical ways in which leaders can improve their people practices. All the contributors are academic thought leaders in their fields with extensive experience in the execution of sound leadership and talent practices.
Description | Full colour softcover book |
ISBN No. | 978-0-9921781-5-4 |
Pages | 462 |
Weight | 1 kg |
Dimension | 242 mm x 167 mm x 23 mm |
Cost in South African Rands: 300 (Including VAT)
Payment: Credit card or EFT via this website
Based on the success of the Eskom Power Series and the Eskom Leadership & Management Series, the Professional Development Series was created. It aims at developing various professions within South Africa so that large state owned enterprises and the private sector can grow and facilitate job creation in the country. Unlike the Power Series, both the Eskom Leadership & Management Series and the Professional Development Series have a broad readership, including those residing in the private sector, State Owned Companies (SOCs) and academic institutions.
Volume 1: Procurement Management Key Concepts and Practices

Over the past 20 years procurement and supply management groups have undergone dramatic changes. As firms rely on fewer suppliers to provide increasing amounts of value across all business areas, and as the compensation that suppliers receive consumes an increasing amount of corporate revenue; procurement and supply chain management begin to look important. This book provides a timely resource for procurement professionals, or for those who are at the point of entering this field. It will help to enhance their ability to contribute to the development of a procurement and supply organisation that provides reliable sources of supply and, eventually, competitive corporate advantage.
Description | Black and white softcover book |
ISBN No. | 978-0-9921781-6-1 |
Pages | 238 |
Weight | 0.38 kg |
Dimension | 242 mm x 167 mm x 15 mm |
Cost in South African Rands: R 240 (Including VAT)
Payment: Credit card or EFT via this website
Generation, Transmission and Distribution: A Large Southern African Utility

This book is an introduction to the technology that has developed, over time, in response to growing demand in the electricity utility industry in South Africa. It relates theoretical concepts to practical items of equipment and installation in a large electricity utility. In the study of transformers at Technicon (university of technologies) or universities, students learn about the magnetic core, the windings, the turns-ratio, the insulation; and the equations that describe its performance is derived. In this book, the concern is about where transformers are located in electrical networks and why they are needed at this location. The book is not a substitute for textbooks that address engineering science and technology but rather is intended to provide engineering graduates and non-technical staff with a ‘soft landing’ in their need to engage with the technology in a large power utility.
Description | Full colour softcover book |
ISBN No. | 978-0-620-94797-8 |
Pages | 129 |
Weight | 0.34 kg |
Dimension | 242 mm x 167 mm x 8 mm |
Cost in South African Rands: R 151 (Including VAT)
Payment: EFT only by requesting bank details from [email protected] or [email protected]
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