Koeberg long term outage

Image of Koeberg nuclear power station


After over 450 days of uninterrupted operation, Unit 2 of the Koeberg Nuclear Power Station will on Monday 17 January 2022 be taken offline for a regular refuelling and maintenance outage that is scheduled for five months. This will be the 25th refuelling outage on Unit 2 since commissioning and will also see the replacement of the unit’s three steam generators. During this outage the reactor pressure vessel head, which houses the nuclear fuel while the station is in operation, will also be replaced.

The Koeberg Unit 1 outage, of a similar duration, will follow later in the year during which the Unit 1 steam generators will also be replaced; its reactor pressure vessel head was replaced several years ago.

As part of the application to the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) for the (LTO) Long term Operation (life extension) of Koeberg Nuclear Power Station, the NNR has directed Eskom to publish the Public information document (PID) giving the background and purpose of the application on the Eskom website for public access.