Key Public Documents


Emergency Plan

Duynefontein Site Safety Report (DSSR) ​

DSSR Chapter 1 Introduction Rev 1a
DSSR Chapter 2 Legal and Regulatory Basis Rev. 1a
DSSR Chapter 3 Overview of Planned Activities Rev 1a Redacted
DSSR Chapter 4 Site Investigation Approach Rev 1a

DSSR Section 5.1 Drawings D-5.1.1 & D-5.1.2
DSSR Section 5.1 Geography and Site Location Rev 1a
5.2 DSSR Section 5.2 Monitoring Rev 1
5.3 DSSR Section 5.3 Ecology Rev  
5.4 DSSR Section 5.4 Demography Rev 1a
5.5 DSSR Section 5.5 Land and Water Use Rev 1b
5.6 DSSR Section 5.6 Adjacent Sea Use Rev 1a
5.7 DSSR Section 5.7-Nearby Transportation Industrial and Military Facilities Rev 1b Redacted

5.8 DSSR Section 5.8 – Meteorology Rev 1a
Appendix 5.8.E SO 9223 2012(en)
Appendix 5.8.J Aermod input file conc5x5
Appendix 5.8.K Aermod input file conc40x40
Appendix 5.8.L Aermod input file dep5x5
Appendix 5.8.M Aermod input file dep40x40
Appendix 5.8.N AERMET SFC
Appendix 5.8.O AERMET PFL
Appendix 5.8.P Topography and landuse
Appendix 5.8.Q Aermod output file conc5x5
Appendix 5.8.S Aermod output file dep5x5
Appendix 5.8.T Aermod output file dep40x40
Appendix5.8.R Aermod output file conc40x40

5.9 DSSR Section 5.9 Oceanography and Coastal Engineering Rev 1
5.10 DSSR Section 5.10 Hydrology Hydraulics Rev 1
5.11 DSSR Section 5.11 Geohydrology Rev 1a
5.12 DSSR Section 5.12 Water Supply Rev 1
5.13_DSSR_Sec5.13 DSSR Section 5.13 – Geology Rev 1tion_5.13_-_Geology_Rev_1
5.13 Duynefontyn SSHAC EL2 PSHA Chapter 4 – Geology

5.14 DSSR Chapter 5-14 Seismic Hazard Rev 1
5.14 Duynefontyn SSHAC EL2 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis

5.15 DSSR Section 5.15 Geotechnical Characterisation
Appendix B
Appendix B1
Appendix C
Appendix C1
Appendix D
Appendix D1
Appendix E
Appendix F
Appendix G
Appendix G1
Appendix H
Appendix H1
Appendix I
Appendix J
DSSR Chapter 6 Evaluation of External Events Rev 1b Redacted
DSSR Chapter 7 Potential Radiological Impact on the Public and the Environment Rev 1a Redacted
DSSR Chapter 8 Emergency Planning Rev 1a
DSSR Chapter 11 Conclusions Rev 1a

Koeberg Coastal Waters Discharge Permit